Half Price Sale! Irish Bodhran Beaters (Tippers)
These drumsticks are widely called tippers in the US, but in Ireland
they call them beaters (in English).
In Irish Gaelic a beater is called a cipín
(pronounced kip'-een).
We are now
getting to the bottom of our stock of these, and have only two styles left.
Note: Coloring of wood may vary.
Please check stated measurements.
Prices below are
regular prices; take half when you order.
BT2A. Standard two-knob beater. 9" long, shaft 7/16" thick. $7
BT2B. Medium length two-knob beater. 8" long. Some of these are the same thickness as the BT2A, and some are a bit thinner. Please state your preference, if you have one! Regular price $7
BT2C. Short length two-knob beater, thinner than the BT2A. 7 1/4" long. Regular price $7 We have one of these left.
BT4. Beater with raised circle and round knobs. Light weight. About 9" long. Regular price $7 We have one of these left.
The Harp and Dragon business is for sale.
We invite inquiries about buying up our inventory.
Please click here to inquire.We will remain in business for the foreseeable future until we announce otherwise.
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The Harp and Dragon
25 Madison St, Cortland, NY 13045 USA
Secure telephone 607-756-7372
How to email us
Ordering information
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If you do not receive a reply from us within a day or so after sending in an order, or after emailing a question, please contact us again, as our reply may have been thrown in your spam bin or may have returned to us. Exceptions: weekends or when we note on our front page that we are closed for any reason.
The items below are not available.
BT3. Three-knob beater.
This is a popular beater because it gives the greatest
volume of sound of all our beaters, and is solid and weighted in your hand.
Our talented young bodhran-playing friend in Texas thinks this is the greatest
beater that was ever made, and he used to practically strong-arm our customers at the Arlington
Scottish show to buy it!
Coloring can vary. 9 1/2 " long.
BT5. Rosewood beater with double
raised circles in center. 9" long. NA