Sale! Celtic Barrettes and Pony-Tail Holders

Beautiful Celtic hair barrettes (called hair slides in Britain and Ireland) in pewter and brass

40% off regular price of all pieces

Hair Barrettes are on this page; bracelets and buckles are on separate pages.

Please check the size of each piece carefully against a ruler before ordering. We give measurements of all jewelry pieces on this site so that you will know their size in advance; this will save disappointment, returning pieces, etc.


Sale! Pewter Celtic Knots Barrette with Real Gemstone and Rosewood Stick

Made by St. Justin of Cornwall, these are high-quality, heavy barrettes in stunning designs. You do not need thick hair for these, because you will want to catch only part of your hair in it. However you choose to wear these barrettes, you will get a lot of comments because of their beauty.


my503061.jpg (20018 bytes)BA1B. Lapis lazuli stone. Barrette is  3" across, with a rosewood stick that is 4 3/4" long. The barrette is not flat, but is arched. Note that the stones can vary in their markings and color. Made by St. Justin of Cornwall. $46 Sale! $28



Sale! Pewter Celtic Knots Barrette with Rosewood Stick

de110021.jpg (9779 bytes) BA2. Curved Celtic knots barrette is held in place by a rosewood stick that goes through your hair as well as the barrette, of course.  The wood stick is  4 5/8" long; the pewter piece is 3 1/2" across. Made by St. Justin of Cornwall. $35. The wood sticks in our current stock are lighter in color than the one in the photo. Sale! $21




Sale! Pewter Celtic Barrettes with French Clasp

oc422071.jpg (7210 bytes)At left we show a side view of the French clasp on the BA3 and BA9 barrettes below.




BA3: Spider web knots barrette. This is an intriguing modern variation on Celtic knots. French clasp. 3 3/4" across. Made by St Justin of Cornwall. $35. Sale! $21




de112041.jpg (14068 bytes)BA9: Two dragons barrette. French clasp. 3 3/4" across. Made by St Justin of Cornwall. $35 Sale! $21







Sale! Pewter Celtic Pony-Tail Holders

Please note that we show the pony-tail holders below larger in proportion to their actual size than we do the barrettes above. Please check our measurements against a ruler before ordering.


mr006121.jpg (14860 bytes)BA14: Celtic two-knots pony-tail holder. Pewter knot is almost 1 1/2" across, on black elastic. Made by St. Justin of Cornwall. $25 Sale! $15 We have one of these left.





fe101031.jpg (19053 bytes)BA15: Welsh dragon pony-tail holder. The antiqued pewter dragon is 1 1/2" across, on black elastic. Made by ST. Justin of Cornwall. $25 Sale! $15





Sale! Brass Celtic Barrette

my114121.jpg (11584 bytes)BA22. Celtic bird etched brass barrette, made in Ireland. The bird design is entwined with Celtic interlace. 4" long, 3/4" wide, French clasp. $12. Sale! $8


We have a claddagh barrette on the Irish Jewelry 2 page.

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 25 Madison St, Cortland, NY 13045 USA
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