Sale! Books about Wales and Learning the Welsh Language
History, Maps and
travel, Welsh dictionaries, Welsh-language books for learners, more
Welsh songbooks and Welsh harp music are here. (Harp music can be played on the piano.)
Celtic design books
are here. These are mostly Dover, and books about Celtic art
Welsh cookbooks are on the Welsh party page.
A History of Wales by John Davies.
published in Welsh in 1991, this book is a history from earliest times to
the late twentieth century. Pub Penguin, 2007 edition..767
pp. Was $48, now $29.
Y Ddraig Goch/The Red Dragon by Aeres Twigg. A bilingual booklet with information on the history of the red dragon of Wales, with colored pictures of various dragons. Pub. Gomer, 24pp. Was $9, now $7.
An Age of Saints: Its Relevance For Us Today -
Fighting for Wales by Gwynfor Evans. The author surveys the past and the prospects of the future of Wales. Is Wales destined to die or to participate fully in a new European and world order? 221pp. Pub. Y Lolfa. Was $16, now $11.
The Welsh Imperial Singers by Alun Trevor. Their tours of Britain, Canada and the United States 1926-1939. Bilingual, many photos. Pub Gwasg Carreg Gwalch 1991 95pp S Was $8.00, now $6.00.
David Lloyd George: The Man and the Statesman by J. Hugh Edwards. Two-volume set. Used, pub. Waverley 1930, 705pp. Hard cover. Was $31.00 set, now $20.
Lloyd George Was My Father by Olwen Carey Evans. Anecdotes and family experiences, recalled with humor, warmth and perception by his daughter, plus photos from the family album. Pub Gomer 1985, 173pp. Hard cover. Was $15.00 , now $11.
Culture In Crisis: The Future of the Welsh Language by Clive Betts. A discussion of the battle to save Welsh, with history and statistics, and some suggestions for the future. Pub Ffynnon 1976, 243pp. Hard cover, used. Was $15.00, now $10.
Decorative Cast-Ironwork In Wales by Ifor Edwards. "The prime aim of this book is to inculcate in others a love of the treasures we still possess as part of our heritage, and to ensure their preservation for future generations: the decorative cast-iron artifacts shown here belong to an era which will never return." Gas lamps, bridges, fountains, seaside piers, gates, railings, balconies, brackets etc. Many drawings and photos. Bilingual. Square format. Pub Gomer 1989, 128pp. Hard cover. Was $26.00, now $15.00
Welsh Crafts by Mary Eirwen Jones. "An account of the historic Welsh crafts and as they exist today." Drawings and photos. Hard cover, 160pp., pub Batsford, London 1978. Was $8, now $5.
Welsh Names For Children by Heini Griffudd. Over 1,000 Welsh names and the origins of their meaning. 94pp. Was $11.00, now $8.
Wales Tourist Map, pub. Wales Tourist Board/ Jarrold. An excellent modern road map. Was $9.00, now $7.
The Angling Times Book of the Wye
by Leslie
Baverstock. A book for the rod fisherman, who might be interested in trying for salmon,
trout or other fish on a vacation in Wales. Photos. Pub David & Charles 1981, 192pp. Hard
cover. Was
$10.00, now $7.
Sale! Ordinance Survey Maps: The following
Ordinance Survey
maps (1 1/4 inches to 1 mile), priced at $10 to $12, are
sale at $7 ea:
Gloucester & Forest of Dean #162
A Visitor's Guide to Mid Wales. Official Guide. Written by Roger Thomas. 64pp. Pub. Wales Tourist Board. Was $6, now $3.
Dylan Thomas by Paul Ferris. The story of the poet's life. Pub Penguin 1987, 446pp. Soft cover. Was $16.00, now $12.
Bro Sarhad – Valley of Shame. Poems by Robert Joseph Jones. Let It Brew Publishing, Binghamton, New York. 52pp. Was $6, now $4.
The Other'Un, adapted from "Egile" by P. J. Helias. A bilingual Breton /English play, with the two languages on facing pages. 55pp. Pub. Brud Nevez 1981. $5
The Region of the Summer Stars by Frances Thomas. The third part of a Taliesin novel trilogy, set in Wales. Pub. Barn Owl Press. $5
Books for Welsh-Language Readers and Learners
Sale! Welsh Dictionaries (Welsh/English–English/Welsh)
GEIRIADUR MAWR (translation: "The
Big Dictionary").
This is the best of the regular-sized dictionaries, the one used by most Welsh speakers
and serious students. Hard cover, 859pp., 8 3/4" x 5 5/8". Pub. Gomer. Was $49,
now $29.
(translation: The Small Dictionary). The Welsh Pocket
Dictionary. Comprehensive dictionary of current Welsh. Small print.
Paper cover, 5 1/2 x 4".
406pp. Pub. Christopher Davies. Was $14,
now $8.
This is the real pocket
dictionary, only 4 1/2 x 3". 372pp, small print. Yellow
plasticized good-quality flexible cover,
second edition.
Was $14, now $8.
Reference Books for Welsh Speakers, Teachers and Students
GRAMADEG CYMRAEG CYFOES (Contemporary Welsh Grammar) by D. Brown. The basics of Welsh grammar are clearly set out systematically. An indispensable reference book for the Welsh student. Large size, brown cover with 5 photos in circles on the front. 2000 edition. 128pp. Was $15.00, now $10.
234 WELSH VERBS by Kathryn Klingebiel. Standard literary
forms, alphabetically arranged, fully conjugated in all tenses, index of verb stems.
Special section on verbs plus prepositions. Pub. Ford & Bailie, 272pp.
Was $33, now $26. We have one of these left.
Lewis. This book is the Welsh equivalent of "1000 French/Spanish/ Italian Verbs
Conjugated." It contains all the verbs included in Geiriadur Gomer i'r Ifanc, and is
the most comprehensive list of its kind yet to appear, according to the back cover. It is
also "user friendly"! 231pp. Pub. Gomer. Was
$18, now $12.
This is a reference volume for native speakers and advanced learners who wish to use Welsh
in a business or professional environment. A wide range of sample situations in English and
Welsh are presented; these can be adapted for your own specific use. Pub. Routledge, 91pp.
Was $10, now $7.
Reading Books in Welsh for Learners
These books are for learners who have some study of Welsh under their belt.
Dirgel Ddyn gan Mihangel Morgan. Novel, in Welsh; advanced learners' level. 149pp. Pub. Gomer. Was $11, now $8.
Saith Pechod Marwol by Mihangel Morgan. Novel for advanced learners. 124pp. Was $15, now $11.
Rhys Lewis: Cam at y Cewri by Daniel Owen with Basil Davies. An abridged version for learners of Welsh of one of Daniel Owens famous novels, with vocabulary and notes at the foot of each page. 224pp. Was $16.00, now $11.
Teithiau Car gan Sion Meredith. One of a series of books in Welsh for learners who wish to learn about Wales. Square format, about 60pp. Pub. y Lolfa. Drawings, photos. Was $10, now $7.
Stori Gelert by Joan Perkins. Children's story, with charming drawings. For Welsh learners. Small format. 31pp. Was $4, now $2.
A Book For Those Interested in Bible Study
God Has Spoken But What Has He Said? A Coherent Guide to Interpreting the Bible For Yourself by H. A. Habermehl. Answers questions like: If there is only one Bible, why do Christians disagree so much? Is it possible to know whose views are right? Can the Bible really be understood at all? The author, an engineer, develops a straightforward set of practical principles of interpretation, with applications and examples. If you are searching for Bible truth, here is a book that will reaffirm your belief in Holy Scripture while helping you determine what God is saying in His revelation to man. Admittedly, this book has no connection to anything Welsh, except that the author is married to Anne! 220pp. $12.00
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