Harp-related pages


Click here for the Even Song model therapy harp. This harp can be ordered.

Click here for the Meghan, Minstrel and Heather model harps by Roosebeck. These harps can be ordered.

Some General Information About Harps

We can take orders for Lyon & Healy harps. Please inquire.

The harp salesman is Anne Habermehl, owner of The Harp and Dragon, and a harpist herself.


Welsh harp music
Irish and Scottish harp music
Sacred, Christmas, classical harp music

Harp jewelry
Lapel pins

Biblical Kinnor




music stands

Misc. Harp Stuff


Mel Bay Book for
Hammered dulcimer


Psaltery Bow

Music briefcase




Seasonal Weather Shipping Notice!

For customers who live in the northern latitudes (northern U.S. and Canada): harps cannot be shipped safely when the temperature drops below freezing at night. This means that you are wise to purchase the harp you want before winter weather sets in; otherwise you may have to wait until there is a temperature break in the weather before your harp can be shipped. For those who live in more southern areas: if the harp you want is sitting in the north, the same applies.

A note re Christmas gift harps: if your harpmaker promises the harp by Christmas, and the harp is completed at the last minute, that harp may end up sitting at the harpmaker's facility until after Christmas if the weather does not cooperate.


If you do not receive a reply from us within a day or so after sending in an order on the order form, or after emailing a question, please contact us again, as our reply may have been thrown in your spam bin or may have returned to us. Exceptions: weekends or when we note on our front page that we are closed for any reason.

We are pleased to link to the page of the American Harp Society at http://www.harpsociety.org


Other Areas of This Web Site
Bagpipes     Irish Musical Instruments     Celtic Jewelry     Irish Crafts     Scottish Crafts     Welsh Pages      Books

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The Harp and Dragon business is for sale.

We invite inquiries about buying up our inventory.
Please click here to inquire.

We will remain in business for the foreseeable future until we announce otherwise.


The Harp and Dragon
 25 Madison St, Cortland, NY 13045 USA
 Secure telephone 607-756-7372
 How to email us
Ordering information
 How to place an order

If you do not receive a reply from us within a day or so after sending in an order, or after emailing a question, please contact us again, as our reply may have been thrown in your spam bin or may have returned to us. Exceptions: weekends or when we note on our front page that we are closed for any reason.